Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa, ON K1G3V4
613-733-2662 ext 733


2021 CMS Winter Meeting | Réunion d’hiver 2021 de la SMC

Call for Exhibitors

The CMS invites your company or organization to exhibit at the Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting. 

Meetings of the CMS bring together large numbers of internationally recognized mathematical researchers. 

The program for the 2021  online CMS Winter Meeting will include more than 30 scientific sessions and multiple plenary, prize and public lectures. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to present mathematically oriented products and services, as well as networking with the mathematical community. 

Invitation to Exhibit –online with the Whova platform

Exhibitor Order Form

This year the exhibits will be online using the platform Whova. You can click here to read the Whova Exhibitor Guide

Joint Book Exhibit

The Joint Exhibit features books and other products from publishers and other companies and organizations not attending the meeting. Order forms will be available at the exhibit for your convenience. We will forward any orders to the corresponding company after the meeting. 

Books and other materials that will be displayed at this Joint Exhibit will be donated to the host university.
