Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottawa, ON K1G3V4
613-733-2662 ext 733


2021 CMS Winter Meeting | Réunion d’hiver 2021 de la SMC

CMS is organizing three-hour mini-courses to add more value to meetings and make them attractive for students and researchers to attend.

The mini-courses will be held on Thursday, December 2nd and include topics suitable for any interested parties. You don’t have to be registered for the meeting in order to register for mini courses. All times listed below are in Eastern Time. 

Registration fees for the mini-courses are as follows. These fees do not apply to the free Maple course:


Regular rate (Subject to Change)

Students/Postdocs (members)


Students/Postdocs (non-members)


CMS Members


CMS Non-Members


An Introduction to Programming in Maple

Thursday December 2 | 11:00 - 14:00 EST Complimentary Admission

Presenters: Paulina Chin, Software Architect, Maplesoft

In addition to being an interactive environment for problem-solving, visualization, and technical document preparation, Maple also features a powerful programming language that is especially useful for working with mathematics. Becoming familiar with the Maple language will allow you to increase the range and efficiency of what you can do in Maple, from writing short scripts to automating a repetitive calculation, to creating interactive applications for students and developing new algorithms to advance your research.

This course will begin with an overview of the Maple software package, highlighting a number of its important features. We will then cover the basics of the Maple language, common data structures, and writing simple programs. We will also look briefly at tools to aid the construction of larger programs and packages and the building of interactive applications in the style of Maple’s Math Apps.

Newcomers to Maple, as well as experienced users who would like to learn more about the Maple language, are welcome.

An introduction to self-similarity

Thursday December 2 | 14:30 - 17:30 EST

Organizer: Pablo Shmerkin 

Self-similar structures arise throughout mathematics, and nature. The mini-course will feature an introduction to the rigorous properties of self-similar fractals such as the ternary Cantor set or the Sierpinski triangle. We will define Hausdorff dimension and compute it for self-similar sets satisfying a separation condition. In addition to establishing some further basic properties of self-similar objects, problems of current research interest, such as the exact overlaps conjecture, will be described.

While prerequisites will be kept to a minimum, a solid background in real analysis at the undergraduate level (metric spaces, compactness, connectedness) will be assumed. Some knowledge of measure theory would be useful but is not required.

An introduction of modelling for infectious diseases with vaccination

Thursday December 2 | 11:00 - 14:00 EST

Organizer: Elena Aruffo

Mathematical models have been an important tool to help decision makers in preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases. This mini course is aimed to provide an introduction to infectious disease modeling, starting with the description of simple transmission dynamics from basic models and extending them to more complex models, where age structure, and vaccination and immunity processes are included. The course will illustrate participants multiple compartmental models describing the dynamic of COVID-19, capturing the different non-pharmaceutical interventions (such as physical distancing, use of masks, hands hygiene) used as first control of the spread of the novel virus and the ongoing vaccine campaign. This course will also show how data is used to inform mathematical models and their parameters. As an example, the modelling of COVID-19 for Toronto Public Health will be presented.